箴 言 Proverbs 5 << || >>
- 5:1 [cbgb] 我兒、要留心我智慧的話語、側耳聽我聰明的言詞.
- [asv] My
son, attend unto my wisdom; Incline thine ear to my
- [snd] /maɪ/ /sʌn/ /əˈtend/ /ˈʌntu/ /maɪ/ /ˈwɪzdəm/ /ɪnˈklaɪn/ /θai n/ /ɪr/ /tu/ /maɪ/ /ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/
- [jnd] My
son, attend unto my wisdom, incline thine ear to my understanding;
- [kjv] My
son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding:
- 5:2 [cbgb] 為要使你謹守謀略、嘴唇保存知識。
- [asv] That
thou mayest preserve discretion, And that thy lips may keep
- [snd] /ðæt/ /ðaʊ/ /meɪst/ /prɪˈzɜrv/ /dɪˈskreʃ(ə)n/ /ænd/ /ðæt/ /ðaɪ/ /lɪps/ /meɪ/ /kip/ /ˈnɑlɪdʒ/
- [jnd] that
thou mayest keep reflection, and that thy lips may preserve knowledge.
- [kjv] That
thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge.
- 5:3 [cbgb] 因為淫婦的嘴滴下蜂蜜、他的口比油更滑.
- [asv] For
the lips of a strange woman drop honey, And her mouth is
smoother than oil:
- [snd] /fɔr/ /ðə/ /lɪps/ /əv/ /eɪ/ /streɪndʒ/ /ˈwʊmən/ /drɑp/ /ˈhʌni/ /ænd/ /hɜr/ /maʊθ/ /ɪz/ /smuðər/ /ðæn/ /ɔɪl/
- [jnd] For
the lips of the strange woman drop honey, and her mouth is smoother
than oil;
- [kjv] For
the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is
smoother than oil:
- 5:4 [cbgb] 至終卻苦似茵蔯、快如兩刃的刀。
- [asv] But
in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged
- [snd] /bʌt/ /ɪn/ /ði/ /end/ /ʃi/ /ɪz/ /ˈbɪtər/ /æz/ /ˈwɜrmˌwʊd/ /ʃɑrp/ /æz/ /eɪ/ /tu/ /edʒd/ /sɔrd/
- [jnd] but
her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.
- [kjv] But
her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.
- 5:5 [cbgb] 他的腳、下入死地.他腳步、踏住陰間.
- [asv] Her
feet go down to death; Her steps take hold on Sheol;
- [snd] /hɜr/ /fit/ /ɡoʊ/ /daʊn/ /tu/ /deθ/ /hɜr/ /steps/ /teɪk/ /hoʊld/ /ɑn/ /ʃiɔʊl/
- [jnd] Her
feet go down to death; her steps take hold on Sheol.
- [kjv] Her
feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.
- 5:6 [cbgb] 以致他找不著生命平坦的道.他的路變遷不定、自己還不知道。
- [asv] So
that she findeth not the level path of life: Her ways are
unstable, and she knoweth it not.
- [snd] /soʊ/ /ðæt/ /ʃi/ /faɪndθ/ /nɑt/ /ðə/ /ˈlev(ə)l/ /pæθ/ /əv/ /laɪf/ /hɜr/ /weɪz/ /ɑr/ /ʌnˈsteɪb(ə)l/ /ænd/ /ʃi/ /noʊθ/ /ɪt/ /nɑt/
- [jnd] Lest
she should ponder the path of life, her ways wander, she knoweth not .
- [kjv] Lest
thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that
thou canst not know them.
- 5:7 [cbgb] 眾子阿、現在要聽從我、不可離棄我口中的話。
- [asv] Now
therefore, my sons, hearken unto me, And depart not from the
words of my mouth.
- [snd] /naʊ/ /ˈðerfɔr/ /maɪ/ /sʌnz/ /ˈhɑrkən/ /ˈʌntu/ /mi/ /ænd/ /dɪˈpɑrt/ /nɑt/ /frɑm/ /ðə/ /wɜrdz/ /əv/ /maɪ/ /maʊθ/
- [jnd] And
now, children, hearken unto me, and depart not from the words of my
- [kjv] Hear
me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my
- 5:8 [cbgb] 你所行的道要離他遠、不可就近他的房門.
- [asv] Remove
thy way far from her, And come not nigh the door of her
- [snd] /rɪˈmuv/ /ðaɪ/ /weɪ/ /fɑr/ /frɑm/ /hɜr/ /ænd/ /kʌm/ /nɑt/ /naɪ/ /ðə/ /dɔr/ /əv/ /hɜr/ /haʊs/
- [jnd] Remove
thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:
- [kjv] Remove
thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:
- 5:9 [cbgb] 恐怕將你的尊榮給別人、將你的歲月給殘忍的人.
- [asv] Lest
thou give thine honor unto others, And thy years unto the
- [snd] /lest/ /ðaʊ/ /ɡɪv/ /θai n/ /ˈɑnər/ /ˈʌntu/ /ˈʌðərz/ /ænd/ /ðaɪ/ /jɪrz/ /ˈʌntu/ /ði/ /ˈkruəl/
- [jnd] lest
thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel;
- [kjv] Lest
thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel:
- 5:10 [cbgb] 恐怕外人滿得你的力量、你勞碌得來的、歸入外人的家.
- [asv] Lest
strangers be filled with thy strength, And thy labors be in
the house of an alien,
- [snd] /lest/ /ˈstreɪndʒərz/ /bi/ /fɪld/ /wɪð/ /ðaɪ/ /streŋθ/ /ænd/ /ðaɪ/ /ˈleɪbərz/ /bi/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /haʊs/ /əv/ /æn/ /ˈeɪliən/
- [jnd] lest
strangers be filled with thy wealth, and the fruits of thy toil into
the house of a stranger;
- [kjv] Lest
strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of
a stranger;
- 5:11 [cbgb] 終久你皮肉和身體消毀、你就悲歎、
- [asv] And
thou mourn at thy latter end, When thy flesh and thy body are
- [snd] /ænd/ /ðaʊ/ /mɔrn/ /æt/ /ðaɪ/ /ˈlætər/ /end/ /wen/ /ðaɪ/ /fleʃ/ /ænd/ /ðaɪ/ /ˈbɑdi/ /ɑr/ /kənˈsumd/
- [jnd] and
thou mourn in thine end, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed;
- [kjv] And
thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed,
- 5:12 [cbgb] 說、我怎麼恨惡訓誨、心中藐視責備、
- [asv] And
say, How have I hated instruction, And my heart despised
- [snd] /ænd/ /seɪ/ /haʊ/ /hæv/ /aɪ/ /heɪtId/ /ɪnˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n/ /ænd/ /maɪ/ /hɑrt/ /dɪˈspaɪzd/ /rɪˈpruf/
- [jnd] and
thou say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof!
- [kjv] And
say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof;
- 5:13 [cbgb] 也不聽從我師傅的話、又不側耳聽那教訓我的人。
- [asv] Neither
have I obeyed the voice of my teachers, Nor inclined mine ear
to them that instructed me!
- [snd] /ˈniðər/ /hæv/ /aɪ/ /oʊˈbeɪd/ /ðə/ /vɔɪs/ /əv/ /maɪ/ /ˈtitʃərz/ /nɔr/ /ɪnˈklaɪnd/ /maɪn/ /ɪr/ /tu/ /ðem/ /ðæt/ /ɪnˈstrʌktId/ /mi/
- [jnd] and
I have not hearkened unto the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine
ear to those that instructed me;
- [kjv] And
have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them
that instructed me!
- 5:14 [cbgb] 我在聖會裏、幾乎落在諸般惡中。
- [asv] I
was well-nigh in all evil In the midst of the assembly and
- [snd] /aɪ/ /wɑz/ /wel/ /naɪ/ /ɪn/ /ɔl/ /ˈiv(ə)l/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /mɪdst/ /əv/ /ði/ /əˈsembli/ /ænd/ /ˌkɑŋɡrəˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/
- [jnd] I
was well nigh in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly.
- [kjv] I
was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly.
- 5:15 [cbgb] 你要喝自己池中的水、飲自己井裏的活水。
- [asv] Drink
waters out of thine own cistern, And running waters out of
thine own well.
- [snd] /drɪŋk/ /ˈwɔtərz/ /aʊt/ /əv/ /θai n/ /oʊn/ /ˈsɪstərn/ /ænd/ /ˈrʌnɪŋ/ /ˈwɔtərz/ /aʊt/ /əv/ /θai n/ /oʊn/ /wel/
- [jnd] Drink
waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own
- [kjv] Drink
waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own
- 5:16 [cbgb] 你的泉源豈可漲溢在外.你的河水豈可流在街上.
- [asv] Should
thy springs be dispersed abroad, And streams of water in the
- [snd] /ʃʊd/ /ðaɪ/ /sprɪŋz/ /bi/ /dɪˈspɜrst/ /əˈbrɔd/ /ænd/ /strimz/ /əv/ /ˈwɔtər/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /strits/
- [jnd] Thy
fountains shall be poured forth, as water-brooks in the broadways.
- [kjv] Let
thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets.
- 5:17 [cbgb] 惟獨歸你一人、不可與外人同用。
- [asv] Let
them be for thyself alone, And not for strangers with thee.
- [snd] /let/ /ðem/ /bi/ /fɔr/ /ðaɪˈself/ /əˈloʊn/ /ænd/ /nɑt/ /fɔr/ /ˈstreɪndʒərz/ /wɪð/ /θi/
- [jnd] Let
them be only thine own, and not strangers' with thee.
- [kjv] Let
them be only thine own, and not strangers' with thee.
- 5:18 [cbgb] 要使你的泉源蒙福.要喜悅你幼年所娶的妻。
- [asv] Let
thy fountain be blessed; And rejoice in the wife of thy
- [snd] /let/ /ðaɪ/ /ˈfaʊnt(ə)n/ /bi/ /ˈblesəd/ /ænd/ /rɪˈdʒɔɪs/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /waɪf/ /əv/ /ðaɪ/ /juθ/
- [jnd] Let
thy fountain be blessed; and have joy of the wife of thy youth.
- [kjv] Let
thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.
- 5:19 [cbgb] 他如可愛的麀鹿、可喜的母鹿.願他的胸懷、使你時時知足.他的愛情、使你常常戀慕。
- [asv] As
a loving hind and a pleasant doe, Let her breasts satisfy
thee at all times; And be thou ravished always with her love.
- [snd] /æz/ /eɪ/ /ˈlʌvɪŋ/ /haɪnd/ /ænd/ /eɪ/ /ˈplez(ə)nt/ /doʊ/ /let/ /hɜr/ /brests/ /ˈsætɪsˌfaɪ/ /θi/ /æt/ /ɔl/ /taɪmz/ /ænd/ /bi/ /ðaʊ/ /ˈrævɪʃt/ /ˈɔlˌweɪz/ /wɪð/ /hɜr/ /lʌv/
- [jnd] As
a lovely hind and a graceful roe, let her breasts satisfy thee at all
times: be thou ravished continually with her love.
- [kjv] Let
her be as the loving hind
and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be
thou ravished always with her love.
- 5:20 [cbgb] 我兒、你為何戀慕淫婦、為何抱外女的胸懷.
- [asv] For
why shouldest thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman,
And embrace the bosom of a foreigner?
- [snd] /fɔr/ /waɪ/ /ʃʊdst/ /ðaʊ/ /maɪ/ /sʌn/ /bi/ /ˈrævɪʃt/ /wɪð/ /eɪ/ /streɪndʒ/ /ˈwʊmən/ /ænd/ /ɪmˈbreɪs/ /ðə/ /ˈbʊzəm/ /əv/ /eɪ/ /ˈfɔrənər/
- [jnd] And
why shouldest thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and
embrace the bosom of a stranger?
- [kjv] And
why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace
the bosom of a stranger?
- 5:21 [cbgb] 因為人所行的道、都在耶和華眼前.他也修平人一切的路。
- [asv] For
the ways of man are before the eyes of Jehovah; And he maketh
level all his paths.
- [snd] /fɔr/ /ðə/ /weɪz/ /əv/ /mæn/ /ɑr/ /bɪˈfɔr/ /ði/ /aɪz/ /əv/ /jɪhɔhvə/ /ænd/ /heɪ/ /meɪkθ/ /ˈlev(ə)l/ /ɔl/ /hɪz/ /pæθs/
- [jnd] For
the ways of man are before the eyes of Jehovah, and he pondereth all
his paths.
- [kjv] For
the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all
his goings.
- 5:22 [cbgb] 惡人必被自己的罪孽捉住.他必被自己的罪惡如繩索纏繞。
- [asv] His
own iniquities shall take the wicked, And he shall be holden
with the cords of his sin.
- [snd] /hɪz/ /oʊn/ /ɪˈnɪkwətiz/ /ʃæl/ /teɪk/ /ðə/ /ˈwɪkəd/ /ænd/ /heɪ/ /ʃæl/ /bi/ /həuldn/ /wɪð/ /ði/ /kɔrdz/ /əv/ /hɪz/ /sain/
- [jnd] His
own iniquities shall take the wicked, and he shall be holden with the
cords of his sin.
- [kjv] His
own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden
with the cords of his sins.
- 5:23 [cbgb] 他因不受訓誨、就必死亡.又因愚昧過甚、必走差了路。
- [asv] He
shall die for lack of instruction; And in the greatness of
his folly he shall go astray.
- [snd] /heɪ/ /ʃæl/ /daɪ/ /fɔr/ /læk/ /əv/ /ɪnˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n/ /ænd/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈɡreɪtnəs/ /əv/ /hɪz/ /ˈfɑli/ /heɪ/ /ʃæl/ /ɡoʊ/ /əˈstreɪ/
- [jnd] He
shall die for want of discipline; and in the greatness of his folly he
shall go astray.
- [kjv] He
shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he
shall go astray.
箴 言 Proverbs 5 << || >>