1. Jesus lingers still: 'tis for you He waits,

And He's waiting for you long;

He waits that heaven, with its fadeless joys,

May yet to you belong.



Come, and welcome, whosoever will,

'Tis the Savior's gracious call;

He is able, willing, waiting now to save,

Simply trust Him, that is all.


2. Though your wayward feet may have wandered far,

And you're deeply sunk in sin;

Yet the Savior waits, with His patient grace

Your stony heart to win.


3. Though His gracious call you have oft refused

And He's sought your trust in vain;

Yet, with love unchanged by your cold neglect

He is seeking you again.


4. Oh, surrender now! yield to love divine;

Jesus lingers for you still:

White in grace He says, "Oh, come to Me,''

Let your answer be, "I will.''



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