1. Himself He could not save,

He on the cross must die,

Or mercy could not come

To ruined sinners nigh;

Yes, Christ, the Son of God, must bleed,

That sinners might from sin be freed,

That sinners might from sin be freed.


2. Himself He could not save,

For justice must be done;

Our sins' full weight must fall

Upon the sinless One,

For nothing less can God accept

In payment of that fearful debt,

In payment of that fearful debt. 


3. Himself He could not save.

For He the Surety stood

For all who now rely

Upon His precious blood;

He bore the penalty of guilt

When on the cross His blood was spilt,

When on the cross His blood was spilt.


4. Himself He could not save,

What wondrous love is this!

In love Himself He gave,

There ne'er was love like His!

Such love should melt a heart of stone

Till praise flows forth to Him alone!

Till praise flows forth to Him alone!




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