1. Walking in the
comfort of the Holy Ghost,
Walking with the
Lord day by day,
Going step by step,
in the light of His word,
Company and
strength all the way.
Walking, yes, I'm
walking in the Spirit of my Lord!
Living, yes, I'm
living now by faith in His word;
So He keeps me
still, strong to do His will;
Walking in His
comfort day by day.
2. Walking in the
comfort of the Holy Ghost,
Oh! what peace my
heart now doth know;
Living in His
light, singing in His joy!
Music in my soul
all aglow.
3. Walking in the
comfort of the Holy Ghost,
How sweet is my
life in the Lord!
List'ning to His
voice, doing His good will,
Conquering thro'
faith in His word.
4. Walking in the
comfort of the Holy Ghost,
Free from all sin,
all care and pain;
Praying, working,
trusting sweetly all the way,
Waiting 'til my
Lord comes again.