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列 王 記 上 1 Kings 12 << || >>
  1. 12:1 [cbgb]   羅波安往示劍去.因為以色列人都到了示劍、要立他作王。
    • [asv]   And Rehoboam went to Shechem: for all Israel were come to Shechem to make him king.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /went/ /tu/ /ʃikəm/ /fɔr/ /ɔl/ /aizriəl/ /wɜr/ /kʌm/ /tu/ /ʃikəm/ /tu/ /meɪk/ /hɪm/ /kɪŋ/
    • [jnd]   And Rehoboam went to Shechem; for all Israel had come to Shechem to make him king.
    • [kjv]   And Rehoboam went to Shechem: for all Israel were come to Shechem to make him king.
  2. 12:2 [cbgb]   尼八的兒子耶羅波安先前躲避所羅門王、逃往埃及、住在那裏。(他聽見這事)
    • [asv]   And it came to pass, when Jeroboam the son of Nebat heard of it (for he was yet in Egypt, whither he had fled from the presence of king Solomon, and Jeroboam dwelt in Egypt,
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /ɪt/ /keɪm/ /tu/ /pæs/ /wen/ /jer'əbɔhəm/ /ðə/ /sʌn/ /əv/ /ni'bæt/ /hɜrd/ /əv/ /ɪt/ /fɔr/ /heɪ/ /wɑz/ /jet/ /ɪn/ /'i:dʒipt/ /ˈwɪðər/ /heɪ/ /həd/ /fled/ /frɑm/ /ðə/ /ˈprezəns/ /əv/ /kɪŋ/ /sɔləmən/ /ænd/ /jer'əbɔhəm/ /dwelt/ /ɪn/ /'i:dʒipt/
    • [jnd]   And it came to pass when Jeroboam the son of Nebat heard it (now he was yet in Egypt, whither he had fled from the presence of king Solomon, and Jeroboam dwelt in Egypt;
    • [kjv]   And it came to pass, when Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who was yet in Egypt, heard of it, (for he was fled from the presence of king Solomon, and Jeroboam dwelt in Egypt;)
  3. 12:3 [cbgb]   以色列人打發人去請他來、他就和以色列會眾都來見羅波安、對他說、
    • [asv]   and they sent and called him), that Jeroboam and all the assembly of Israel came, and spake unto Rehoboam, saying,
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /ðeɪ/ /sent/ /ænd/ /kɔld/ /hɪm/ /ðæt/ /jer'əbɔhəm/ /ænd/ /ɔl/ /ði/ /əˈsembli/ /əv/ /aizriəl/ /keɪm/ /ænd/ /speɪk/ /ˈʌntu/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/
    • [jnd]   and they sent and called him), that Jeroboam and all the congregation of Israel came and spoke to Rehoboam, saying,
    • [kjv]   That they sent and called him. And Jeroboam and all the congregation of Israel came, and spake unto Rehoboam, saying,
  4. 12:4 [cbgb]   你父親使我們負重軛、作苦工.現在求你使我們作的苦工、負的重軛、輕鬆些、我們就事奉你。
    • [asv]   Thy father made our yoke grievous: now therefore make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter, and we will serve thee.
    • [snd]   /ðaɪ/ /ˈfɑðər/ /meɪd/ /aʊr/ /joʊk/ /grivəs/ /naʊ/ /ˈðerfɔr/ /meɪk/ /ðaʊ/ /ðə/ /grivəs/ /ˈsɜrvɪs/ /əv/ /ðaɪ/ /ˈfɑðər/ /ænd/ /hɪz/ /ˈhevi/ /joʊk/ /wɪtʃ/ /heɪ/ /put/ /əˈpɑn/ /ʌs/ /ˈlaɪtər/ /ænd/ /wi/ /wɪl/ /sɜrv/ /θi/
    • [jnd]   Thy father made our yoke grievous; and now lighten thou the grievous servitude of thy father and his heavy yoke that he put upon us, and we will serve thee.
    • [kjv]   Thy father made our yoke grievous: now therefore make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter, and we will serve thee.
  5. 12:5 [cbgb]   羅波安對他們說、你們暫且去、第三日再來見我。民就去了。
    • [asv]   And he said unto them, Depart yet for three days, then come again to me. And the people departed.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /heɪ/ /sed/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðem/ /dɪˈpɑrt/ /jet/ /fɔr/ /θri/ /deɪz/ /ðen/ /kʌm/ /əˈɡen/ /tu/ /mi/ /ænd/ /ðə/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /dɪˈpɑrtəd/
    • [jnd]   And he said to them, Depart yet for three days, then come again to me. And the people departed.
    • [kjv]   And he said unto them, Depart yet for three days, then come again to me. And the people departed.
  6. 12:6 [cbgb]   羅波安之父所羅門在世的日子、有侍立在他面前的老年人、羅波安王和他們商議、說、你們給我出個甚麼主意、我好回覆這民。
    • [asv]   And king Rehoboam took counsel with the old men, that had stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, saying, What counsel give ye me to return answer to this people?
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /kɪŋ/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /tʊk/ /ˈkaʊns(ə)l/ /wɪð/ /ði/ /oʊld/ /men/ /ðæt/ /həd/ /stʊd/ /bɪˈfɔr/ /sɔləmən/ /hɪz/ /ˈfɑðər/ /waɪl/ /heɪ/ /jet/ /lɪvd/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/ /wɑt/ /ˈkaʊns(ə)l/ /ɡɪv/ /ji/ /mi/ /tu/ /rɪˈtɜrn/ /ˈænsər/ /tu/ /ðɪs/ /ˈpip(ə)l/
    • [jnd]   And king Rehoboam consulted with the old men, who had stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, saying, How do ye advise to return answer to this people?
    • [kjv]   And king Rehoboam consulted with the old men, that stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, and said, How do ye advise that I may answer this people?
  7. 12:7 [cbgb]   老年人對他說、現在王若服事這民如僕人、用好話回答他們、他們就永遠作王的僕人。
    • [asv]   And they spake unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /ðeɪ/ /speɪk/ /ˈʌntu/ /hɪm/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/ /ɪf/ /ðaʊ/ /wɪlt/ /bi/ /eɪ/ /ˈsɜrvənt/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðɪs/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /ðɪs/ /deɪ/ /ænd/ /wɪlt/ /sɜrv/ /ðem/ /ænd/ /ˈænsər/ /ðem/ /ænd/ /spik/ /ɡʊd/ /wɜrdz/ /tu/ /ðem/ /ðen/ /ðeɪ/ /wɪl/ /bi/ /ðaɪ/ /ˈsɜrvənts/ /fɔr/ /ˈevər/
    • [jnd]   And they spoke to him saying, If this day thou wilt be a servant to this people, and wilt serve them and answer them and speak good words to them, they will be thy servants for ever.
    • [kjv]   And they spake unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever.
  8. 12:8 [cbgb]   王卻不用老年人給他出的主意、就和那些與他一同長大在他面前侍立的少年人商議、
    • [asv]   But he forsook the counsel of the old men which they had given him, and took counsel with the young men that were grown up with him, that stood before him.
    • [snd]   /bʌt/ /heɪ/ /fərˈsʊk/ /ði/ /ˈkaʊns(ə)l/ /əv/ /ði/ /oʊld/ /men/ /wɪtʃ/ /ðeɪ/ /həd/ /ˈɡɪv(ə)n/ /hɪm/ /ænd/ /tʊk/ /ˈkaʊns(ə)l/ /wɪð/ /ði/ /jʌŋ/ /men/ /ðæt/ /wɜr/ /ɡroʊn/ /ʌp/ /wɪð/ /hɪm/ /ðæt/ /stʊd/ /bɪˈfɔr/ /hɪm/
    • [jnd]   But he forsook the advice of the old men which they had given him, and consulted with the young men, who had grown up with him, that stood before him.
    • [kjv]   But he forsook the counsel of the old men, which they had given him, and consulted with the young men that were grown up with him, and which stood before him:
  9. 12:9 [cbgb]   說、這民對我說、你父親使我們負重軛、求你使我們輕鬆些.你們給我出個甚麼主意、我好回覆他們。
    • [asv]   And he said unto them, What counsel give ye, that we may return answer to this people, who have spoken to me, saying, Make the yoke that thy father did put upon us lighter?
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /heɪ/ /sed/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðem/ /wɑt/ /ˈkaʊns(ə)l/ /ɡɪv/ /ji/ /ðæt/ /wi/ /meɪ/ /rɪˈtɜrn/ /ˈænsər/ /tu/ /ðɪs/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /hu/ /hæv/ /ˈspoʊkən/ /tu/ /mi/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/ /meɪk/ /ði/ /joʊk/ /ðæt/ /ðaɪ/ /ˈfɑðər/ /dɪd/ /put/ /əˈpɑn/ /ʌs/ /ˈlaɪtər/
    • [jnd]   And he said to them, What advice give ye that we may return answer to this people who have spoken to me saying, Lighten the yoke which thy father put upon us?
    • [kjv]   And he said unto them, What counsel give ye that we may answer this people, who have spoken to me, saying, Make the yoke which thy father did put upon us lighter?
  10. 12:10 [cbgb]   那同他長大的少年人說、這民對王說、你父親使我們負重軛、求你使我們輕鬆些.王要對他們如此說、我的小拇指頭、比我父親的腰還粗。
    • [asv]   And the young men that were grown up with him spake unto him, saying, Thus shalt thou say unto this people that spake unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it lighter unto us; thus shalt thou speak unto them, My little finger is thicker than my father's loins.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /ði/ /jʌŋ/ /men/ /ðæt/ /wɜr/ /ɡroʊn/ /ʌp/ /wɪð/ /hɪm/ /speɪk/ /ˈʌntu/ /hɪm/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/ /ðʌs/ /ʃælt/ /ðaʊ/ /seɪ/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðɪs/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /ðæt/ /speɪk/ /ˈʌntu/ /θi/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/ /ðaɪ/ /ˈfɑðər/ /meɪd/ /aʊr/ /joʊk/ /ˈhevi/ /bʌt/ /meɪk/ /ðaʊ/ /ɪt/ /ˈlaɪtər/ /ˈʌntu/ /ʌs/ /ðʌs/ /ʃælt/ /ðaʊ/ /spik/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðem/ /maɪ/ /ˈlɪt(ə)l/ /ˈfɪŋɡər/ /ɪz/ /θɪkər/ /ðæn/ /maɪ/ /ˈfɑðər/ /s/ /lɔɪnz/
    • [jnd]   And the young men that had grown up with him spoke to him saying, Thus shalt thou say to this people that have spoken to thee saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, and lighten thou it for us, -- thus shalt thou say to them: My little is thicker than my father's loins;
    • [kjv]   And the young men that were grown up with him spake unto him, saying, Thus shalt thou speak unto this people that spake unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it lighter unto us; thus shalt thou say unto them, My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins.
  11. 12:11 [cbgb]   我父親使你們負重軛、我必使你們負更重的軛.我父親用鞭子責打你們、我要用蠍子鞭責打你們。
    • [asv]   And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /naʊ/ /werˈæz/ /maɪ/ /ˈfɑðər/ /dɪd/ /leid/ /ju/ /wɪð/ /eɪ/ /ˈhevi/ /joʊk/ /aɪ/ /wɪl/ /æd/ /tu/ /jʊr/ /joʊk/ /maɪ/ /ˈfɑðər/ /tʃæˈstaɪzd/ /ju/ /wɪð/ /wɪps/ /bʌt/ /aɪ/ /wɪl/ /tʃæs(')tai z/ /ju/ /wɪð/ /ˈskɔrpiənz/
    • [jnd]   and whereas my father laid a heavy yoke upon you, *I* will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but *I* will chastise you with scorpions.
    • [kjv]   And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.
  12. 12:12 [cbgb]   耶羅波安和眾百姓遵著羅波安王所說、你們第三日再來見我的那話、第三日他們果然來了。
    • [asv]   So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the third day, as the king bade, saying, Come to me again the third day.
    • [snd]   /soʊ/ /jer'əbɔhəm/ /ænd/ /ɔl/ /ðə/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /keɪm/ /tu/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /ðə/ /θɜrd/ /deɪ/ /æz/ /ðə/ /kɪŋ/ /beɪd/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/ /kʌm/ /tu/ /mi/ /əˈɡen/ /ðə/ /θɜrd/ /deɪ/
    • [jnd]   And Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the third day, as the king had appointed saying, Come again to me on the third day.
    • [kjv]   So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the third day, as the king had appointed, saying, Come to me again the third day.
  13. 12:13 [cbgb]   王用嚴厲的話回答百姓、不用老年人給他所出的主意、
    • [asv]   And the king answered the people roughly, and forsook the counsel of the old men which they had given him,
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /ðə/ /kɪŋ/ /ˈænsərd/ /ðə/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /ˈrʌfli/ /ænd/ /fərˈsʊk/ /ði/ /ˈkaʊns(ə)l/ /əv/ /ði/ /oʊld/ /men/ /wɪtʃ/ /ðeɪ/ /həd/ /ˈɡɪv(ə)n/ /hɪm/
    • [jnd]   And the king answered the people roughly, and forsook the advice of the old men which they had given him;
    • [kjv]   And the king answered the people roughly, and forsook the old men's counsel that they gave him;
  14. 12:14 [cbgb]   照著少年人所出的主意對民說、我父親使你們負重軛、我必使你們負更重的軛.我父親用鞭子責打你們、我要用蠍子鞭責打你們。
    • [asv]   and spake to them after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /speɪk/ /tu/ /ðem/ /ˈæftər/ /ði/ /ˈkaʊns(ə)l/ /əv/ /ði/ /jʌŋ/ /men/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/ /maɪ/ /ˈfɑðər/ /meɪd/ /jʊr/ /joʊk/ /ˈhevi/ /bʌt/ /aɪ/ /wɪl/ /æd/ /tu/ /jʊr/ /joʊk/ /maɪ/ /ˈfɑðər/ /tʃæˈstaɪzd/ /ju/ /wɪð/ /wɪps/ /bʌt/ /aɪ/ /wɪl/ /tʃæs(')tai z/ /ju/ /wɪð/ /ˈskɔrpiənz/
    • [jnd]   and he spoke to them according to the advice of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, but *I* will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but *I* will chastise you with scorpions.
    • [kjv]   And spake to them after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke: my father also chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.
  15. 12:15 [cbgb]   王不肯依從百姓、這事乃出於耶和華、為要應驗他藉示羅人亞希雅對尼八的兒子耶羅波安所說的話。
    • [asv]   So the king hearkened not unto the people; for it was a thing brought about of Jehovah, that he might establish his word, which Jehovah spake by Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.
    • [snd]   /soʊ/ /ðə/ /kɪŋ/ /ˈhɑrkənd/ /nɑt/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðə/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /fɔr/ /ɪt/ /wɑz/ /eɪ/ /θɪŋ/ /brɔt/ /əˈbaʊt/ /əv/ /jɪhɔhvə/ /ðæt/ /heɪ/ /maɪt/ /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ /hɪz/ /wɜrd/ /wɪtʃ/ /jɪhɔhvə/ /speɪk/ /baɪ/ /ɑhai jə/ /ðə/ /'ʃaɪlənaɪt/ /tu/ /jer'əbɔhəm/ /ðə/ /sʌn/ /əv/ /ni'bæt/
    • [jnd]   So the king hearkened not to the people; for it was brought about by Jehovah, that he might give effect to his word, which Jehovah spoke through Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.
    • [kjv]   Wherefore the king hearkened not unto the people; for the cause was from the LORD, that he might perform his saying, which the LORD spake by Ahijah the Shilonite unto Jeroboam the son of Nebat.
  16. 12:16 [cbgb]   以色列眾民見王不依從他們、就對王說、我們與大衛有甚麼分兒呢、與耶西的兒子並沒有關涉.以色列人哪、各回各家去吧.大衛家阿、自己顧自己吧。於是以色列人都回自己家裏去了。
    • [asv]   And when all Israel saw that the king hearkened not unto them, the people answered the king, saying, What portion have we in David? neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: to your tents, O Israel: now see to thine own house, David. So Israel departed unto their tents.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /wen/ /ɔl/ /aizriəl/ /sɔ/ /ðæt/ /ðə/ /kɪŋ/ /ˈhɑrkənd/ /nɑt/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðem/ /ðə/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /ˈænsərd/ /ðə/ /kɪŋ/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/ /wɑt/ /ˈpɔrʃ(ə)n/ /hæv/ /wi/ /ɪn/ /'deivid/ /ˈniðər/ /hæv/ /wi/ /ɪnˈherɪt(ə)ns/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /sʌn/ /əv/ /dʒesi/ /tu/ /jʊr/ /tents/ /oʊ/ /aizriəl/ /naʊ/ /si/ /tu/ /θai n/ /oʊn/ /haʊs/ /'deivid/ /soʊ/ /aizriəl/ /dɪˈpɑrtəd/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðer/ /tents/
    • [jnd]   And all Israel saw that the king hearkened not to them; and the people answered the king saying, What portion have we in David? And no inheritance in the son of Jesse: To your tents, O Israel! Now see to thine own house, David! And Israel went to their tents.
    • [kjv]   So when all Israel saw that the king hearkened not unto them, the people answered the king, saying, What portion have we in David? neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: to your tents, O Israel: now see to thine own house, David. So Israel departed unto their tents.
  17. 12:17 [cbgb]   惟獨住猶大城邑的以色列人、羅波安仍作他們的王。
    • [asv]   But as for the children of Israel that dwelt in the cities of Judah, Rehoboam reigned over them.
    • [snd]   /bʌt/ /æz/ /fɔr/ /ði/ /ˈtʃɪldrən/ /əv/ /aizriəl/ /ðæt/ /dwelt/ /ɪn/ /ði/ /ˈsɪtiz/ /əv/ /'dʒu:də/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /reɪnd/ /ˈoʊvər/ /ðem/
    • [jnd]   But as for the children of Israel that dwelt in the cities of Judah, Rehoboam reigned over them.
    • [kjv]   But as for the children of Israel which dwelt in the cities of Judah, Rehoboam reigned over them.
  18. 12:18 [cbgb]   羅波安王差遣掌管服苦之人的亞多蘭、往以色列人那裏去.以色列人就用石頭打死他。羅波安王急忙上車、逃回耶路撒冷去了。
    • [asv]   Then king Rehoboam sent Adoram, who was over the men subject to taskwork; and all Israel stoned him to death with stones. And king Rehoboam made speed to get him up to his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.
    • [snd]   /ðen/ /kɪŋ/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /sent/ /ædɔʊnaɪræm/ /hu/ /wɑz/ /ˈoʊvər/ /ðə/ /men/ /ˈsʌbˌdʒekt/ /tu/ /'tɑ:skwə:k/ /ænd/ /ɔl/ /aizriəl/ /stoʊnd/ /hɪm/ /tu/ /deθ/ /wɪð/ /stoʊnz/ /ænd/ /kɪŋ/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /meɪd/ /spid/ /tu/ /ɡet/ /hɪm/ /ʌp/ /tu/ /hɪz/ /ˈtʃeriət/ /tu/ /fli/ /tu/ /jərusələm/
    • [jnd]   And king Rehoboam sent Adoram, who was over the levy; but all Israel stoned him with stones, that he died. And king Rehoboam hastened to mount his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.
    • [kjv]   Then king Rehoboam sent Adoram, who was over the tribute; and all Israel stoned him with stones, that he died. Therefore king Rehoboam made speed to get him up to his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.
  19. 12:19 [cbgb]   這樣、以色列人背叛大衛家、直到今日。
    • [asv]   So Israel rebelled against the house of David unto this day.
    • [snd]   /soʊ/ /aizriəl/ /ˈreb(ə)ld/ /əˈɡenst/ /ðə/ /haʊs/ /əv/ /'deivid/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðɪs/ /deɪ/
    • [jnd]   And Israel rebelled against the house of David, unto this day.
    • [kjv]   So Israel rebelled against the house of David unto this day.
  20. 12:20 [cbgb]   以色列眾人聽見耶羅波安回來了、就打發人去請他到會眾面前、立他作以色列眾人的王.除了猶大支派以外、沒有順從大衛家的。
    • [asv]   And it came to pass, when all Israel heard that Jeroboam was returned, that they sent and called him unto the congregation, and made him king over all Israel: there was none that followed the house of David, but the tribe of Judah only.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /ɪt/ /keɪm/ /tu/ /pæs/ /wen/ /ɔl/ /aizriəl/ /hɜrd/ /ðæt/ /jer'əbɔhəm/ /wɑz/ /rɪˈtɜrnd/ /ðæt/ /ðeɪ/ /sent/ /ænd/ /kɔld/ /hɪm/ /ˈʌntu/ /ði/ /ˌkɑŋɡrəˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/ /ænd/ /meɪd/ /hɪm/ /kɪŋ/ /ˈoʊvər/ /ɔl/ /aizriəl/ /ðer/ /wɑz/ /nʌn/ /ðæt/ /ˈfɑloʊd/ /ðə/ /haʊs/ /əv/ /'deivid/ /bʌt/ /ðə/ /traɪb/ /əv/ /'dʒu:də/ /ˈoʊnli/
    • [jnd]   And it came to pass when all Israel heard that Jeroboam had come back, that they sent and called him to the assembly, and made him king over all Israel: none followed the house of David, but the tribe of Judah only.
    • [kjv]   And it came to pass, when all Israel heard that Jeroboam was come again, that they sent and called him unto the congregation, and made him king over all Israel: there was none that followed the house of David, but the tribe of Judah only.
  21. 12:21 [cbgb]   羅波安來到耶路撒冷、招聚猶大全家、和便雅憫支派的人、共十八萬、都是挑選的戰士、要與以色列家爭戰、好將國奪回、再歸所羅門的兒子羅波安。
    • [asv]   And when Rehoboam was come to Jerusalem, he assembled all the house of Judah, and the tribe of Benjamin, a hundred and fourscore thousand chosen men, that were warriors, to fight against the house of Israel, to bring the kingdom again to Rehoboam the son of Solomon.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /wen/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /wɑz/ /kʌm/ /tu/ /jərusələm/ /heɪ/ /əˈsemb(ə)ld/ /ɔl/ /ðə/ /haʊs/ /əv/ /'dʒu:də/ /ænd/ /ðə/ /traɪb/ /əv/ /'bendʒəmin/ /eɪ/ /ˈhʌndrəd/ /ænd/ /'fɔ:'skɔ:/ /ˈθaʊz(ə)nd/ /ˈtʃoʊz(ə)n/ /men/ /ðæt/ /wɜr/ /ˈwɔriərz/ /tu/ /faɪt/ /əˈɡenst/ /ðə/ /haʊs/ /əv/ /aizriəl/ /tu/ /brɪŋ/ /ðə/ /ˈkɪŋdəm/ /əˈɡen/ /tu/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /ðə/ /sʌn/ /əv/ /sɔləmən/
    • [jnd]   And Rehoboam came to Jerusalem; and he assembled all the house of Judah, with the tribe of Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand chosen men apt for war, to fight against the house of Israel, that he might bring the kingdom again to Rehoboam the son of Solomon.
    • [kjv]   And when Rehoboam was come to Jerusalem, he assembled all the house of Judah, with the tribe of Benjamin, an hundred and fourscore thousand chosen men, which were warriors, to fight against the house of Israel, to bring the kingdom again to Rehoboam the son of Solomon.
  22. 12:22 [cbgb]   但 神的話臨到神人示瑪雅、說、
    • [asv]   But the word of God came unto Shemaiah the man of God, saying,
    • [snd]   /bʌt/ /ðə/ /wɜrd/ /əv/ /ɡɑd/ /keɪm/ /ˈʌntu/ /ʃem'eɪaɪ'ə/ /ðə/ /mæn/ /əv/ /ɡɑd/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/
    • [jnd]   But the word of God came to Shemaiah the man of God, saying,
    • [kjv]   But the word of God came unto Shemaiah the man of God, saying,
  23. 12:23 [cbgb]   你去告訴所羅門的兒子、猶大王羅波安、和猶大、便雅憫全家、並其餘的民、說、
    • [asv]   Speak unto Rehoboam the son of Solomon, king of Judah, and unto all the house of Judah and Benjamin, and to the rest of the people, saying,
    • [snd]   /spik/ /ˈʌntu/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /ðə/ /sʌn/ /əv/ /sɔləmən/ /kɪŋ/ /əv/ /'dʒu:də/ /ænd/ /ˈʌntu/ /ɔl/ /ðə/ /haʊs/ /əv/ /'dʒu:də/ /ænd/ /'bendʒəmin/ /ænd/ /tu/ /ðə/ /rest/ /əv/ /ðə/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /ˈseɪɪŋ/
    • [jnd]   Speak unto Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, king of Judah, and unto all the house of Judah and Benjamin, and to the remainder of the people, saying,
    • [kjv]   Speak unto Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, king of Judah, and unto all the house of Judah and Benjamin, and to the remnant of the people, saying,
  24. 12:24 [cbgb]   耶和華如此說、你們不可上去、與你們的弟兄以色列人爭戰.各歸各家去吧、因為這事出於我。眾人就聽從耶和華的話、遵著耶和華的命回去了。
    • [asv]   Thus saith Jehovah, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is of me. So they hearkened unto the word of Jehovah, and returned and went their way, according to the word of Jehovah.
    • [snd]   /ðʌs/ /seθ/ /jɪhɔhvə/ /ji/ /ʃæl/ /nɑt/ /ɡoʊ/ /ʌp/ /nɔr/ /faɪt/ /əˈɡenst/ /jʊr/ /ˈbreðrən/ /ði/ /ˈtʃɪldrən/ /əv/ /aizriəl/ /rɪˈtɜrn/ /ˈevri/ /mæn/ /tu/ /hɪz/ /haʊs/ /fɔr/ /ðɪs/ /θɪŋ/ /ɪz/ /əv/ /mi/ /soʊ/ /ðeɪ/ /ˈhɑrkənd/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðə/ /wɜrd/ /əv/ /jɪhɔhvə/ /ænd/ /rɪˈtɜrnd/ /ænd/ /went/ /ðer/ /weɪ/ /əˈkɔrdɪŋ/ /tu/ /ðə/ /wɜrd/ /əv/ /jɪhɔhvə/
    • [jnd]   Thus saith Jehovah: Go not up, nor fight with your brethren, the children of Israel; return every man to his house, for this thing is from me. And they hearkened to the word of Jehovah, and returned to depart, according to the word of Jehovah.
    • [kjv]   Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is from me. They hearkened therefore to the word of the LORD, and returned to depart, according to the word of the LORD.
  25. 12:25 [cbgb]   耶羅波安在以法蓮山地建築示劍、就住在其中.又從示劍出去、建築毗努伊勒。
    • [asv]   Then Jeroboam built Shechem in the hill-country of Ephraim, and dwelt therein; and he went out from thence, and built Penuel.
    • [snd]   /ðen/ /jer'əbɔhəm/ /bɪlt/ /ʃikəm/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /hɪl/ /ˈkʌntri/ /əv/ /ifreɪim/ /ænd/ /dwelt/ /ðerˈɪn/ /ænd/ /heɪ/ /went/ /aʊt/ /frɑm/ /ðens/ /ænd/ /bɪlt/ /pɪnu'ɛl/
    • [jnd]   And Jeroboam built Shechem in mount Ephraim, and dwelt therein; and went out from thence, and built Penuel.
    • [kjv]   Then Jeroboam built Shechem in mount Ephraim, and dwelt therein; and went out from thence, and built Penuel.
  26. 12:26 [cbgb]   耶羅波安心裏說、恐怕這國仍歸大衛家.
    • [asv]   And Jeroboam said in his heart, Now will the kingdom return to the house of David:
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /jer'əbɔhəm/ /sed/ /ɪn/ /hɪz/ /hɑrt/ /naʊ/ /wɪl/ /ðə/ /ˈkɪŋdəm/ /rɪˈtɜrn/ /tu/ /ðə/ /haʊs/ /əv/ /'deivid/
    • [jnd]   And Jeroboam said in his heart, Now shall the kingdom return to the house of David.
    • [kjv]   And Jeroboam said in his heart, Now shall the kingdom return to the house of David:
  27. 12:27 [cbgb]   這民若上耶路撒冷去、在耶和華的殿裏獻祭、他們的心必歸向他們的主猶大王羅波安、就把我殺了、仍歸猶大王羅波安。
    • [asv]   if this people go up to offer sacrifices in the house of Jehovah at Jerusalem, then will the heart of this people turn again unto their lord, even unto Rehoboam king of Judah; and they will kill me, and return to Rehoboam king of Judah.
    • [snd]   /ɪf/ /ðɪs/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /ɡoʊ/ /ʌp/ /tu/ /ˈɔfər/ /ˈsækrɪˌfaɪsiz/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /haʊs/ /əv/ /jɪhɔhvə/ /æt/ /jərusələm/ /ðen/ /wɪl/ /ðə/ /hɑrt/ /əv/ /ðɪs/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /tɜrn/ /əˈɡen/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðer/ /lɔrd/ /ˈiv(ə)n/ /ˈʌntu/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /kɪŋ/ /əv/ /'dʒu:də/ /ænd/ /ðeɪ/ /wɪl/ /kɪl/ /mi/ /ænd/ /rɪˈtɜrn/ /tu/ /ri'həbɔhəm/ /kɪŋ/ /əv/ /'dʒu:də/
    • [jnd]   If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of Jehovah at Jerusalem, the heart of this people will turn again to their lord, to Rehoboam king of Judah, and they will kill me, and return to Rehoboam king of Judah.
    • [kjv]   If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then shall the heart of this people turn again unto their lord, even unto Rehoboam king of Judah, and they shall kill me, and go again to Rehoboam king of Judah.
  28. 12:28 [cbgb]   耶羅波安王就籌畫定妥、鑄造了兩個金牛犢、對眾民說、以色列人哪、你們上耶路撒冷去、實在是難.這就是領你們出埃及地的神。
    • [asv]   Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold; and he said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
    • [snd]   /ˈwerəˌpɑn/ /ðə/ /kɪŋ/ /tʊk/ /ˈkaʊns(ə)l/ /ænd/ /meɪd/ /tu/ /kɑvz/ /əv/ /ɡoʊld/ /ænd/ /heɪ/ /sed/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðem/ /ɪt/ /ɪz/ /tu/ /mʌtʃ/ /fɔr/ /ju/ /tu/ /ɡoʊ/ /ʌp/ /tu/ /jərusələm/ /bɪˈhoʊld/ /ðaɪ/ /ɡɑdz/ /oʊ/ /aizriəl/ /wɪtʃ/ /brɔt/ /θi/ /ʌp/ /aʊt/ /əv/ /ðə/ /lænd/ /əv/ /'i:dʒipt/
    • [jnd]   And the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold. And he said to them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt!
    • [kjv]   Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
  29. 12:29 [cbgb]   他就把牛犢一隻安在伯特利、一隻安在但。
    • [asv]   And he set the one in Beth-el, and the other put he in Dan.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /heɪ/ /set/ /ði/ /wʌn/ /ɪn/ /biθ/ /el/ /ænd/ /ði/ /ˈʌðər/ /put/ /heɪ/ /ɪn/ /dæn/
    • [jnd]   And he set the one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan.
    • [kjv]   And he set the one in Bethel, and the other put he in Dan.
  30. 12:30 [cbgb]   這事叫百姓陷在罪裏.因為他們往但去、拜那牛犢。
    • [asv]   And this thing became a sin; for the people went to worship before the one, even unto Dan.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /ðɪs/ /θɪŋ/ /bɪˈkeɪm/ /eɪ/ /sain/ /fɔr/ /ðə/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /went/ /tu/ /ˈwɜrˌʃɪp/ /bɪˈfɔr/ /ði/ /wʌn/ /ˈiv(ə)n/ /ˈʌntu/ /dæn/
    • [jnd]   And this thing became a sin; and the people went before the one, as far as Dan.
    • [kjv]   And this thing became a sin: for the people went to worship before the one, even unto Dan.
  31. 12:31 [cbgb]   耶羅波安在丘壇那裏建殿、將那不屬利未人的凡民立為祭司。
    • [asv]   And he made houses of high places, and made priests from among all the people, that were not of the sons of Levi.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /heɪ/ /meɪd/ /haʊsiz/ /əv/ /haɪ/ /pleɪsiz/ /ænd/ /meɪd/ /prists/ /frɑm/ /əˈmʌŋ/ /ɔl/ /ðə/ /ˈpip(ə)l/ /ðæt/ /wɜr/ /nɑt/ /əv/ /ðə/ /sʌnz/ /əv/ /'li:vai/
    • [jnd]   And he made a house of high places, and made priests from all classes of the people, who were not of the sons of Levi.
    • [kjv]   And he made an house of high places, and made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi.
  32. 12:32 [cbgb]   耶羅波安定八月十五日為節期、像在猶大的節期一樣、自己上壇獻祭.他在伯特利也這樣向他所鑄的牛犢獻祭、又將立為丘壇的祭司安置在伯特利。
    • [asv]   And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah, and he went up unto the altar; so did he in Beth-el, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Beth-el the priests of the high places that he had made.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /jer'əbɔhəm/ /ɔrˈdeɪnd/ /eɪ/ /fist/ /ɪn/ /ði/ /eɪtθ/ /mʌnθ/ /ɑn/ /ðə/ /fɪfˈtinθ/ /deɪ/ /əv/ /ðə/ /mʌnθ/ /laɪk/ /ˈʌntu/ /ðə/ /fist/ /ðæt/ /ɪz/ /ɪn/ /'dʒu:də/ /ænd/ /heɪ/ /went/ /ʌp/ /ˈʌntu/ /ði/ /ˈɔltər/ /soʊ/ /dɪd/ /heɪ/ /ɪn/ /biθ/ /el/ /ˈsækrɪˌfaɪsɪŋ/ /ˈʌntu/ /ði/ /kɑvz/ /ðæt/ /heɪ/ /həd/ /meɪd/ /ænd/ /heɪ/ /pleɪst/ /ɪn/ /biθ/ /el/ /ðə/ /prists/ /əv/ /ðə/ /haɪ/ /pleɪsiz/ /ðæt/ /heɪ/ /həd/ /meɪd/
    • [jnd]   And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like the feast that was in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had made; and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places that he had made.
    • [kjv]   And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he had made.
  33. 12:33 [cbgb]   他在八月十五日、就是他私自所定的月日、為以色列人立作節期的日子、在伯特利上壇燒香。
    • [asv]   And he went up unto the altar which he had made in Beth-el on the fifteenth day in the eighth month, even in the month which he had devised of his own heart: and he ordained a feast for the children of Israel, and went up unto the altar, to burn incense.
    • [snd]   /ænd/ /heɪ/ /went/ /ʌp/ /ˈʌntu/ /ði/ /ˈɔltər/ /wɪtʃ/ /heɪ/ /həd/ /meɪd/ /ɪn/ /biθ/ /el/ /ɑn/ /ðə/ /fɪfˈtinθ/ /deɪ/ /ɪn/ /ði/ /eɪtθ/ /mʌnθ/ /ˈiv(ə)n/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /mʌnθ/ /wɪtʃ/ /heɪ/ /həd/ /dɪˈvaɪzd/ /əv/ /hɪz/ /oʊn/ /hɑrt/ /ænd/ /heɪ/ /ɔrˈdeɪnd/ /eɪ/ /fist/ /fɔr/ /ði/ /ˈtʃɪldrən/ /əv/ /aizriəl/ /ænd/ /went/ /ʌp/ /ˈʌntu/ /ði/ /ˈɔltər/ /tu/ /bɜrn/ /ainsen(t)s/
    • [jnd]   And he offered upon the altar that he had made in Bethel, on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in the month which he had devised of his own heart; and he made a feast for the children of Israel, and he offered upon the altar, burning incense.
    • [kjv]   So he offered upon the altar which he had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in the month which he had devised of his own heart; and ordained a feast unto the children of Israel: and he offered upon the altar, and burnt incense.
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